If you are going to miss Conan O'Brien's late night show, you likely won't have to wait too long. FOX is already starting to court the redhead who left NBC's Tonight Show after Jay Leno took his time slot at 11:35. It looks like O'Brien is going to get a jumpstart on the late night shows by starting at 11 p.m. according to a report today.

The New York Post writes:

Indications are that Fox execs began quizzing local affiliates last week to see if time at 11 p.m. -- now reserved mostly for reruns of comedies -- can be cleared.

Talks between O'Brien and FOX could start as early as next week. It looks like the only losers in the late night scandal of 2010 will be NBC and Jay Leno who has been the butt of all jokes for the past few weeks.