What the Obama School Teleprompter Photos Show
Steve Pendlebury
(Jan. 25) -- President Barack Obama needs a teleprompter even when he's talking to children.

Conservative bloggers are gleefully spreading this story, saying photos prove their claim that Obama always needs a script.

A few examples:

Gateway Pundit: Sad: Obama Brings Teleprompter to Speak to 6th Grade Class

Moonbattery: What Kind of Idiot Needs a Teleprompter to Talk to Sixth Graders?

Riehl World View: Is This Obama's Pet Goat Moment?

It's red meat for the president's critics. The only problem is, it's not true.

Here's what is true. Obama did bring teleprompters along for his Jan. 19 visit to Graham Road Elementary School in Falls Church, Va. They were set up in a classroom where the president made a statement to reporters about expanding his Race to the Top program to improve schools. That happened after he chatted with the sixth-graders in a separate classroom -- with no teleprompters.

Kristoffer Tripplaar, Pool/Getty Images
President Barack Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan visited students in Falls Church, Va., Jan. 19 ... The White House Press Office told AOL News on Monday -- and photos confirm -- that there were two separate events in different rooms.


Fair play!