Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: Glacier16
Still no flash support...

Is that a definite thing? I heard they want this to be able to play facebook games so it would have to have flash support. There's a new version out made for devices like this. I don't know why it wouldn't be included.

its not allowed because apple can't profit from it.

adding flash to the iphone / itab is a relatively simple process; likely something that took a longer time to remove than it would be to add. a special deal was made with youtube to feature their videos on the phone, and that will likely be the same case with facebook.

if flash were allowed, iphone / itab users would have access to thousands upon thousands of free games, applications, and gadgets across the internet that they wouldn't be able to charge 99 cents a piece (and keep 40 cents a piece) for.

with a few brazillion apps already purchased, i'd say its a pretty solid theory on their part.

giant picture