The Monday and Tuesday episodes of Glenn Beck this week have been particularly good.

Here's The Monday episode (Feb 1, 2010)

Last week's episodes were also good, focused on the roots of the progressive movement in Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and FDR. And how they diverted from the Constitution's intent. And how Obama is taking us on a similar and even more devastating path.

I'd also recommend reading Pat Buchanan's 2002 book Death of the West, in particular the chapter "Four Who Made A Revolution". Progressivism is Marxism re-packaged, with the intent to undermine democratic nations' faith in nationalism, religious faith, and the traditional family structure as well. In other words, destroying all the institutions that make us resistant to Marxism, make us distrust and despise them, so the public mindset will be open to a new socialist order.

i.e., "Yes we can!"