Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
That isn't Obama's hand nor is this a thread where your overly critical of her like you are with Obama.

I guess "overly critical" is matter of opinion. When even the reliably liberal Jon Stewart starts mocking the President for overuse of a teleprompter I'm not sure how I can be accused of being "overly critical."

She also read a script at that event. Not that there isn't anything wrong with that

So you think she didn't do anything wrong but you chose to bring it up just because you think it fits into your usual "a republican did it too" dodge.

Is this the point where you call BSAMS a "partisan" again?

there does seem to be your usual double standard on display here.

Yeah...yeah..."I'm not a partisan, you are..." We've heard it before and I've addressed it already.

As I wrote nearly a year ago on this very thread:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Obama is taking the use of teleprompters to an uprecedented level for either party.

Instead of just using it to read speeches, he will have his staff feed him answers to questions at press conferences and, in fact, they may even use it to tell him which reporters to call on to ask questions.

There was an unsubstantiated rumor that Bush did this during a debate in 2004 and the left (and some segments of the press) went nuts. They claimed it was proof that Bush was a dunce and a puppet.

Now, however, the current President wants to do it and the response from the left and the press is a giant shrug.

And, to make it even more obvious just who has the double standard, the left is back bitching about only when allegedly "a republican does it."


It's silly and not really worth my time.

Yet, here you are, posting on it over and over.
