Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Oh Mxy! I was wondering if you survived. Damn man, I hope your TPB's made it out okay.

BTW, how is your city? Any serious damage in your area? Any relatives or friends caught in the center?

My family's all fine, but there are couple of friends in other cities I still haven't heard from.

My city got off pretty well, especially compared to others down south. A few buildings have structural damage and had to be evacuated (mostly new ones), and some areas (like mine) still don't have water or electricity. We don't have phone lines either, but only because a portrait fell and cut the cables (?!). Cellphones are working fine now (it was pretty nerve-wrecking trying to get ahold of everyone in the hours after the quake with no phones).

I walked through the city yesterday to get to a place with electricity, and didn't see anything too fucked up. Mostly gardens in front of buildings full of shattered glass, and some stores and drugstores that had been looted. Near my house a big (pointless) pillar fell down, and some water was running down the street.

My comics are surprisingly fine... but my Life of Python hardcover got pretty bruised. A Superman statue lost its arm. At least I didn't have to deal with any exploding TVs (plural), like a friend who lives two blocks away.