I saw Massa on Glenn Beck today. Massa's rationalization was pretty lame. It was the worst excuse for quitting I've heard since Ross Perot said he dropped out of the race because the evil corporate elite controlling the big two parties were going to ruin his daughter's wedding.

If Massa were the slightest bit sincere about this conspiracy to keep him from voting in the House against Pelosi's version of Obamacare, he would have manned up and stuck it out for at least another week, till he'd done his part to defeat the bill, and not been intimidated.
But Massa clearly was intimidated and has something to hide.

I'd agree that Reid, Pelosi, Rahm Emmanuel and other Democrat elites are pricks working against the national interest for their own political gain. But Massa pussied out and missed his chance to stand tall, if only for another 7 days till the anticipated House vote.

Like Massa said (although probably with some hyperbolic exaggeration) I'm sure Reid, Pelosi, etc., are using every weapon at their disposal to ram this Obamacare bill through.
But Massa is a pussy and a liar, and I don't take much stock in his version of events. He's trying to ride out with some shred of dignity by exploiting the independent/Tea-Party sentiment toward Pelosi. But it's plain as day what he's trying to do, and he isn't fooling anyone, despite his best attempt to worm his way out of it.