No. The article I posted has this (see above):
  • The Massa aide pointed out a negative story about the lawmaker in a local newspaper that described Massa's living arrangements with staff members. The Massa aide told the speaker's office that he asked the congressman, who is married, to move out.

The living arrangements with the staff members was, according to another article, as follows:
  • he filled his Capitol Hill rowhouse with low-paid male staffers in an arrangement ripe for trouble.

    "It's like he had people trapped," said a Hill source.

    At the house on E St. Southeast yesterday, which Massa had shared with five of his staffers, clothes were piled on the floor and half-a-dozen pairs of shoes mingled with dirty towels next to an open pink suitcase in the living room.

    In hindsight, Democratic insiders wondered about activities that before had just seemed odd. They said Massa hired a surprisingly large percentage of young gay men, and paid them so little that staffers were forced to live in the house with him.

    "It's not the gay part that's a problem, it's the abuse, if it's true," said one Hill source.

    "The guy's a freak," a close friend of one embattled Massa aide told the Daily News.