Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
I have a question: who do people want Barack Obama to show his Certificate of Live Birth to?

I'd just like to point out that McCain went through the same allegations, and provided the documentation necessary to prove his elegibility.

Obama would present it to individuals qualified to legally verify his eligibility to be President.

No more than McCain.
Other than McCain's respectful compliance, and Obama's arrogance.

I'll remind you that Kerry would not provide his records before the election, thus allowing the partisan-liberal media to paint Kerry as a genius. Then 6 months after the election, Kerry quietly released his grades, proving him to have a GPA slightly lower than George W. Bush.
So much for the heralded genius.

Likewise Al Gore.

I fully expect that Obama can provide documentation. But there's always a distant chance that he can not, and that the the facts would demonstrate Obama to be unqualified for office.