Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
I have a question: who do people want Barack Obama to show his Certificate of Live Birth to?

I'd just like to point out that McCain went through the same allegations, and provided the documentation necessary to prove his elegibility.

Obama would present it to individuals qualified to legally verify his eligibility to be President.

He did.

Snopes, and Factcheck (linked in the snopes piece) seem to agree with you.

Again: that two newspapers showing Obama's birth notice in August 1961 is enough evidence for me. But I fail to see the fault in others legitimately asking to see the evidence authenticating Obama's birth.
It's no less than McCain was asked, and complied with.

Obama is unquestionably withholding documentation from the so-called "birthers" just to spite them and keep them out there, so the Dems can say "look at those crazies.."

He could make them go away by simply and respectfully complying. But he doesn't.