Just saw the clip again on the Jonathan Ross show, where he had an interview with Smith.
Couple of things he mentioned are that the clip above is actually from ep.6, so its a lil way off yet.
He also showed us the new sonic screwdriver, which has been redesigned and also mentioned that the Tardis will be different inside as well, as its bigger (his words were 'There are other levels' and indicated that there will be other rooms like a library).

The biggest annoyance I can see coming for me, is that its gonna revolve around Earth again, from what he has said.
Why the fuck cant they realise part of the thing that made Who popular years ago was the fact that you didnt know where and when the next story would take place, where as since the relaunch its pretty much been modern day Earth, with only a handful of episodes outside of that.

Smith also said he hopes to at least do another series next year, and hopefully more beyond that if possible.
He said he wants to keep the role as its something special (that already puts him head and shoulders above Ecclescake).