You have only pointed out some similarities.

Of course. One would point out similarities in order to argue things are the same.

I've already set forth my position as to why they are the same. In fact, I am happy to point out that crosshairs are simply one type of target used in shooting practice, along with others I've cited. Case in point:

As I said before, can you explain why they are different?

To date, I haven't seen you cite a single example of how they are different.

Furthermore, I would like to remind you that you are the person who started a thread and insinuated that politicians using this type of imagery are inciting violence. Therefore, I think the burden is on you at this point to explain why the DNC doing it is okay but a republican doing it is different/wrong. I, personally, accept that both sides do it as a form of harmless political metaphor.

At least take a shot (no pun intended) at explaining why one kind of target (Palin crosshairs) is different than another (DNC bullseye).

Take your time. Take all day in fact to consider your position if you want. Feel free to make your post as long as you want. I don't think Rob has a character limit.

If you can explain your position, great. If you can't, just admit it.