Originally Posted By: Grimm

targets are what you shoot at. crosshairs are what you use to aim at your target.

No, we already dealt with that:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
[A target is] not the same thing as crosshairs G-man.

Please. Explain how.

Especially given that everyone knows that targets are used in shooting competitions and practice....including police and military practice in shooting to kill:

That sure looks like a target on the chest to me.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
....I am happy to point out that crosshairs are simply one type of target used in shooting practice, along with others I've cited. Case in point:

As I said before, can you explain why they are different?

To date, I haven't seen you cite a single example of how they are different.