Karl Rove Doesn't Like Publicity Over Code Pink Incident – What ...‎
News Hounds (blog) - 9 hours ago

After the Code Pink “Citizens Arrest" of Karl Rove, at a Rove book signing, Rove said this on Fox News: “Well, you know, what was interesting was I thought ...

MiamiHerald.com Rove Book Signing Gets Surprise Ending‎
CBS News - Mar 30, 2010

Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans on Monday walked toward Rove with handcuffs, saying she was making a citizen's arrest. "Look what you did, you outted a CIA ...
California: Rove Leaves Stage After Heckling‎ - New York Times
Karl Rove blasts Democrats and promotes his new book in the East Bay‎ - San Jose Mercury News
Lafayette ready for Rove - is Rove ready for Lafayette?‎ - San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
Dallas Morning News (blog) - FOXNews
all 500 news articles »

So after trying to say it wasn't reported now it's supposed to be as reported as much as all the right wing violence combined?

At least you have the Doctor to console you on how unfair life is for conservatives

Fair play!