Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Calif. man arrested over calls to Pelosi

You neglected to include this part of the MSNBC article you linked to:
  • Giusti has been in trouble previously for making threats. In 2004, he pleaded no contest in San Mateo County, just south of San Francisco, to a felony charge of making criminal threats and was sentenced to a year in jail and three years of supervised probation.

    The 2004 arrest occurred on a commuter train after Giusti was kicked off for not paying his fare, Steve Wagstaffe, chief deputy district attorney for San Mateo County, said. Giusti became enraged, started screaming and threatened to kill the conductor, who called in the sheriff, Wagstaffe said.

So, rather than some sort of "tea partier" or "militia" member (the alleged topics of you thread, remember) it appears what we have here is a distrubed individual with a history of making threats, going back four years before the tea party or Sarah Palin were allegedly whipping up anti-Democrat fervor.