Still getting used to the Doctor and I'm not quite sure who he is yet. He has some but not a lot of 10, a touch of 6, and there are moments where he has a bit of 4.
I liked the premise this week, thought it was brilliant, but the execution seemed a bit forced. From the confidential episodes I get the sense that most of the people are new and not just Smith/Moffat so I guess there needs to be a bit of a grace period.
So far though the show is better than RTD's run. There's less whiny melodrama. I like that he almost casually mentioned being the last Timelord, it just wasn't something he was going to get all choked up about like 9 and 10.
The new Tardis set continues to be amazing. It's just so big and elaborate, along with Smith's 50's professor look the whole show feels much more like an adventure.
Amy Pond continues to be hot.

I liked the call at the end of the episode. I like when one episode leads into the next. Next week Daleks, River Song, and hopefully a nip slip from Amy.

Bow ties are coool.