I thought it was pretty good for what it was. It's obvious that Gatiss thought he was still writing for RTD; how does someone stop a bomb from exploding? Convince him he's human. Sure. What? That was cheesy.

Moffat's worship of the Cushing movies and its 60's aesthetics couldn't be more obvious (other than the TARDIS itself) than the new breed of toy tie-ins....I MEAN--....Daleks. Wow. The Cult of Crayola? Day-glo Gay Pride Rainbox colors, large and fat. Based on Russel? ;\)

The actor playing Churchill was fun to watch, but even I could tell he was playing a caricature rather than the historical figure. Not to mention, he was way too large for Winston at that time period. Later, I think the actual historical hero himself got stuck in a bathtub during his twilight years. He went out eating. That's a real man.

Matt Smith continues to be ultimately brilliant as The Doctor, and Karen's hot ass is a solid companion. I like her quirky, background status to Smith's epic stride. His intensity in this episode reminded me of Eccleston. A lot. Well played, Mr. Smith.

So...Amy doesn't remember the Dalek invasions? I think I'm starting to get what Moffat is going for. My theory right now is that the Doctor will do something near the end of the season, probably in the finale, that will cause the cracks in the universe. It will also alter the timeline in some way where the "genie" goes back into the "bottle", and the Doctor Who universe Earth has no memory or record of alien invasion. Thus, back to square-one where everything alien is new to humans and the planet. How this will affect Torchwood and things like that, I don't know.

Also, I have a feeling Amy has something to do with it. I think the brief moment we see of her "dream" in the season opener where she's the little Amelia waiting on the Doctor to return. I think that's an indication that maybe the Doc goes back to pick up Amy when she's a child, thus crossing his own timeline and causing a schism in the universe? I don't know. Just guessing.

Next week looks really good! However, I'm hesitant with River coming back. Only in that Kingston is showing her age, and I hate the way she exaggerates every syllable when River tries to be "clever". But, hey, the Quantum Angels are back. So, rock on!

All in all, I give this one a 7 out of 10.