I really enjoyed the episode. The bit with the android doctor was a little too emotional (I agree with Pro it felt very RTD) but the ending where they let him get away instead of "tragically" turning him off was a nice surprise. Churchill trying to steal the Tardis key was also a nice touch.
Overall I thought the episode was clever. The Daleks using deception and fetching tea waiting for the Doctor to explode was a nice change of pace. I even liked the new colors because I read that (conceptually at least) it's like Starfleet where the colors mean different positions.

Matt Smith is obviously getting his footing as the Doctor, the bit with the cookie was brilliantly done. I especially liked how once it was revealed he just ate the cookie and protested that he was promised tea. I really loved the fact that the Doctor seems to be over the time war. There was no speech about how they always survive when the time lords don't, or how unfair it was. He just said very calmly and matter of factly "I'm always worried about the Daleks."
I'm really looking forward to next week's episode. River Song and the Weeping Angels should make for a great story.

Last edited by Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man; 2010-04-19 11:25 PM. Reason: I painted a pretty word picture but forgot to include the ducks at the pond.

Bow ties are coool.