It's great to have Doctor Who back!

It's great to have something to look forward to watching on the TV!

This series has got gradually better, although Smith and the girl have been great from day one!

If I had to draw comparrisons between Doctors, I would say Smith is closer to Eccleston, than he is to cuntface tennant.

God I fucking hated tennant as the Doctor.

Prommy said it to me best, Eccleston and Smith are the Doctor, cuntbrain is just some jobbing actor, trying to act(not a direct quote).

Prom also posted something about how fallible this Doctor is, which harkens back to past Doctors and one of the many reasons I am ecstatic that Tennant is gone. It seems to a bit of a theme, River flies the Tardis better than he does and he was pretty quick to try and lobotomise the Space Whale in the second episode.

Which leads me to Pond, I don't feel as offended seeing her outsmart the Doctor or enemy, as I did when Rose would do the same thing.

With all it's faults mentioned, I still enjoyed the England space station.

I loved the concept of the third episode - I didn't even recognise Ian McNiece, he's gotten so fat and old. I liked how the new Daleks destroyed the old inferior models and that they didn't scream or complain about it. Having never really found the Daleks a threat, I must say the revamped Who has changed my opinion of them.

I fucking loved the latest episode! Exciting beginning with the River escape. Weeping Angels remind me of watching Who as a kid, very scary. Loved the 'Ring' scene. Best part for me, was the Angels killing the young soldier and talking to the Doctor through him - Creepy as hell and a superb bit of acting from Smith.

Nowhereman called it though with regards to the 2 heads - should have dropped that a bit, later on in the Story! My 7 year old nephew jumped on that straight away!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!