Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

Eccleston not being a Who fan isn't a problem for me so much as the lack of comittment he had to the show. The Doctor is an established role like Bond or Batman, you win the part and then stick with it. Eccleston is George Lazenby, he can't be called good or bad because he shot his wad in one series. You can't say how he would've done 2-3 years in.

Not a very good analogy - Lazenby/Eccleston! Lazenby was a model who did a 2 hour film, Eccleston is an established actor, who shone in 13 episodes!

Who here has said how well Eccleston would have done in 2-3 years in? I haven't.

Whilst I couldn't watch tennant at the time, I have since watched all of his adventures. Some of the stories were near perfect and would have been perfect if tennant wasn't the Doctor!

No way, can tennant be compared to Tom Baker in charisma - Baker had to walk through far more crappy adventures than tennant did but Baker was still interesting. For me, tennant was the downfall of his episodes!

You say season 18, don't you mean season 17 - that was a shitfest!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!