Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY

We will never really know what the RTD/Eccleston deal was. I would say that they wanted a 'name' to restart the franchise because twat tennant was a nobody(and as far as I am concerned should have remained one).

As we have mentioned, Eccleston was not a Who fan, so didn't know or care about the long term. Irregardless, the way that gaylord RTD was about tennant, you know he had him earmarked for the part right from the start!

That seems like a lot of speculation based on your opinions. Tennant did audition for the part of 9 but lost to Eccleston. Any sort of backroom deals/conspiracy is up to debate.

Eccleston did more in those 13 episodes than tennant did in his 40+!

That's pure opinion. The reason why you can make that judgement is because Tennant gave 40+ episodes for you to review. I compare Eccleston to someone running the 100 meter dash versus Tennant doing a marathon. It's harder to maintain quality over the course of several series as opposed to one. I enjoy Eccleston's year as the Doctor but don't think it's enough to qualify him for ranking.
Fan or not Eccleston knew that he was taking on a legacy and he treated it somewhat frivilously. I really like his episodes, they were the first ones I watched and got me into the show. But still, commitment is important.

And PLEASE, do you really think that there will be no more than 13 doctors? When that part of the Mythos was thought up, no one envisioned the series running so long!

I have no doubt there will be a Doctor past Thirteen. The problem is that once they did set that rule down it meant that they'd have to break it at some point. It'll be some kind of magic cheat, or lost time lord tech, either way it'll feel a bit forced.

But you really need to learn your classic Who! I have watched Tom Bakers 7 years, over and over and over again!

Season 17 is by far the weakest - don't believe me, then you should look up what other fans have said! It's weak because most of the budget for the season was put into 2 stories - one of which, would never air. SHADA! The rest of the season after the dodgy Dalek story(The Movelans would not seem out of place of RTDs tenure), were all studio based green screen craptaculars!

Totally disagree. I love the humor of Adams scripts and the cute Romana II as probably the best companion ever.

Season 18 does start off weakly with the first 2 adventures but Tombos new look is quite striking!

Tom and Lalla then go off to Espace for a trilogy that I love and loved since I was a kid. Like much of Who, the ideas are great but stories suffer from padding and forced cliff hangers. Full circle has a great twist, in State of decay we learn that vampires are a timelord enemy and in Warriors gate, the Doctor visits the Ghost Zone.

Then the final 2 stories, Keeper of Trakken and Logopolis - the re-introduction of the Master, introduction of the cloister bell and the joint best(with Peter Davisons)regeneration scene, amongst other things I am too lazy to go into!

I'm just not a fan of the producer and his edict that Baker tone down the humor. I found these episodes boring and Baker looked bored most of the time.

The thing I feel about Tom Bakers tenure is that he had a very strong 3 and a half year run as the Doctor. Things weakened a little with the Sunmakers and then totally went gay with final story - The Invasion of Time! Padded out to buggery!

I think most of Baker's run was great. He sold the plots and made them work by being so damned funny and quirky. Even the episode with the giant rat in the sewer worked because Tom Baker is just that good.

Season 16 was the Key to time, which I feel didn't work because they tried to tie everyting in, to what was a weak story to begin with!

Not a big fan of the season. I liked the idea but think Romana I was a little weak.

Ray, you just can not compare Tennant to Baker. A lot of Bakers stories were far worse than tennants but Baker still made them watchable. tennant made his good stories unwatchable!

But I like Tennant for the most part. Even series 4 with Donna had it's moments. It goes to taste I guess, I just liked him. The problem for me was that after series 3 RTD just threw in melodrama with zero story to back it up. I don't care what he said about having a master plan from day 1, it was obvious that once the Master episode ended he was scraping bottom.

But there is a comparrison to be made - Baker and tennant are hams. Hamming is not as easy as people think! It comes naturally for Baker and Blessed, it doesn't for tennant!

That is because tennant is a gay ginger scotch cunt.

Tennant isn't ginger.

Each Doctor has their fans and haters. Personally I actually enjoy Colin baker's first season and could never sit through a single Davison episode. So there you go.

Bow ties are coool.