Hasbro has announced that they will no longer produce any o-ring action figures.

Specifically any GI Joe o-ring based action figures.

While they had been producing more modern o-ring free figures for years now they had still made a few as convention exclusives.

Apparently the ones released at Joecon 2010 were the last.

Now I have been on board with the new modern figures for awhile now, and while the GI Joe movie sucked the figures had much improved in articulation.

I haven't bought any o-ring based figures in ages. I really had no interest.

I can't help but think that now they have been canceled how big an impact they had on my life.

The 3 3\4 GI Joe: A Real American Hero line were always my favorite.

I dabbled in others like Star Wars, Transformers, and tons of other figures.

None of them really kept my attention over the years like Joes did though.

It goes back to the point where it's beyond the figures themselves.

It's all the memories of friends and family that went along with it.

I still have a decent amount of my old figures, I don't think I could ever part with them.

And with all that said even if they had not been canceled I don't think I would have ever purchased a new o-ring based figure.

Vintage maybe for nostalgia, but beyond that no interest.

Still I can't help but get that "end of an era" feeling.