Watched Mawdrynn Undead, the first story in the Black Guardian trilogy.

I don't think I have seen this since it was first aired!

All I remember is that the Brigadier was in it and the introduction of Turlogh!

I really enjoyed this story - classic Who had this weird way of offering up a really intelligent story like this one and then a really silly one.

I loved stories with continuity, I didn't remember that when the Brig remembers the Doctor, there's a montage of the first 4 and enemies!

The two time zones were a cool thing to do.

It was quite an intelligent plot for Mawdrynn tricking the companions into thinking he was a newly regenerated Doctor - his final mutation was pretty eerie considering the BBCs gypsy effects.

The extras are great with an interview of most of the cast.

And a great little Drama starring the Brig being interviewed by a reporter.

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!