Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I followed someone's advice in here (I don't remember which Dr. Who fan it was), and watched Blink, Fear Her, Army of Ghosts, Doomsday, and then went straight to Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone.

Nice! Now watch:

  • (2005 Season)
    End of the World
    The Unquiet Dead

    Empty Child
    The Doctor Dances
    Bad Wolf
    Parting of the Ways

    (2006 Season)
    School Reunion
    Girl in the Fireplace
    Impossible Planet
    Satan Pit

    (2007 Season)
    Runaway Bride
    Smith & Jones
    Human Nature
    Family of Blood
    Sound of Drums
    Last of the Time Lords

    (2008 Season)
    Partners in Crime
    Fires of Pompeii
    Silence in the Library
    Forest of the Dead
    Turn Left
    The Stolen Earth
    Journey's End

    (2009 Season)
    Waters of Mars
    End of Time