RE: McCoy

McCoy rocked with Ace, and the TVM. Both show the potential he has/had for a very dark, manipulative Doctor. I've grown to love him, so.

 Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY
Geek alert!

I went to a few Courtney signings and he had his eye on the young girls, just as Aldred had her eyes on the good looking guys! He was married with kids but I saw him a few times in London with much younger women!

OKAY! See, I wasn't certain. Every so often I picked up that vibe from him. But, sounds more like he's a ladies man. Nice! Love me some Brigadier. You just watch, though. Nick Courtney will fucking DIE before they get him back. Sure, he's appeared in the SJA. But, that's NOT Doctor Who. Dammit.

And I'd fuck Sophie Aldred. Even now.

Their doing a Kamelion box set!

\:lol\: Wow! Hard-up for boxsets, aren't they? A boxset for the two episodes we saw him? The robot that never worked? \:lol\: