Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

Eccleston is a personality actor, in the sense that he plays slight variations on himself.
Tom Baker is the same. It's not a bad thing because they're colorful individuals so it's fun to watch them.


 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

Tennant on the other hand is an excellent actor. I've seen him in a few things and he is like a chameleon in a role. He has a good command of his voice and a variety of accents. His audiobooks are a lot of fun because they feel like a full cast play but it's just him.


I would tenant is the same as the above!

Did you see Cassanova?

I find his accents poor.

I think Tennants cack hammery will be perfect for the Frightnight remake!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!