That was a great episode, epic. If it were American then that would've been the finale, I'm just glad the UK shows don't like cliffhanger endings.
The fx was amazing, they didn't overuse any of the villains, and the idea of an alliance worked.
Moffat has proven himself to actually live up to the hype his one or two episodes per year has given him. It all came together perfectly from the opening with the crazy time travel elements to the Auton Romans. It was sad to see Rory return only to turn out to be part of the trap.
And I can't think of a single more terrifying moment than Roman soldiers dragging the Doctor into his box while all these monsters calmly watched.

Can't wait for next week. Any bets on who the "Silence will fall" mastermind is? I've heard Omega but who knows.

Bow ties are coool.