that article has to be one of the most masturbatory things I've ever seen (and that's saying a LOT!). seriously, I was waiting for a video of the author literally going down on Smith to show up in one of those pics. (Pro, did you write that?)

why is it that whenever people get into this discussion over various Doctors, it always sounds like they're all reading off of the same script? "MY Doctor was actually in the role, all other Doctors were just ACTING!" "NO, MY Doctor was truly showing his range of expression and emotion! The previous/following Doctor couldn't lick jelly babies from his buttocks!" they're ALL acting people, that's what they do, they're actors!

can we have some original thought and expression put into the subject for once?

now, not having seen Smith (or even Tennant's last season and a quarter), I will say one thing: I do agree that his visual appearance does lend itself to the "alienness" of the role. something that's been lacking since the relaunch five years ago.

that was always the appeal to me when I used to watch as a little kid. the alienness of everything. it was like nothing else I'd seen before or since. bring something of that back to the series, and get away from the familiar for a while.