Originally Posted By: Prometheus
What. A. Mindfuck. AWESOME!!

Once again, Moffat comes through like a champ. Delivering a solid, intelligent, brain-melting, EPIC finale, he has cemented his spot in the iconography of the Doctor Who legacy. And Matt Smith consistently tops himself in every scene. Damn awesome! But, I'm still working it out in my head as to what the FUCK just happened?! \:lol\: \:lol\:

Loved that Rory is sticking around. I wonder if he's still plastic? That would be effin' cool. The idea of him guarding Amy for 2000 years was badass, and really gives him a new insight for Moffat to work with. He's ancient like The Doctor now, which is probably what turns Amy on.

Smith looked awesome in the tux. He's obviously a slight clothes-horse, akin to Pertwee. Karen Gillan was smoking, as was River's milfy ass.

And I REALLY loved that they didn't resolve the whole "Big Bad"/The Silence yet. The over-arcing seasons reminds me of Davison's era, as well as gives this show a completely different pace. A solid, intelligent drama.

10/10. I officially love Doctor Who. Still. ;\)

I don't think Rory is an Auton anymore. I got the impression that when time rebooted he (along with her mom and dad) returned and wasn't the Auton Rory.
Just an amazing episode. Not the melodrama of rtd finales, just a big epic fun cool amazingly clever episode.

Bow ties are coool.