1: Invite Rob to your place for a sleep over.

2: Get G-Man to defend you in court.

3: Out of sympathy, tell Snarf you will not have sex again until he gets laid.

4: Put on weight if you live near Sammitch

5: Sit on a see saw if Llance is gonna sit on the other end (even if you are Joe Mama).

6: Let Pariah take you to see a movie.

7: Let PCGay defend you with a gun.

8: Read one of Sikkbones' poems.

9: Marry Elsia.

10: Bend over in front of PJP.

11: Have a conversation with Lothar.

12: Take your cat to a vet if he says "How are you today?"

13: Mention JLA in your blog.

14: Let any of the Insurgents/Iconolasts near small children.

15: Ask Rex if he likes something.