Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
I decided to catch up on the episodes I missed, last night.
Overall, I am still not overly taken with the way the stories play out, as I still say too much of it is telegraphed for there to be any real surprises.

I've liked this season because it did a better job that RTD's run of mixing in that old Who feeling. RTD would get it but then drop it, bringing it back solely for nostalgia moments to replace good storytelling. Moffat, I feel, has brought back an inclusive feel of old Who at its height. Good stories that adults can enjoy with kids. I think a lot of the telegraphed stuff was there for the kids. Where RTD would hit you with a few brilliant episodes (most of them written by Moffat) surrounded by meh ones, Moffat's run has been pretty solid without the roller-coaster feeling of RTD. There are weak episodes, of course; but I think Victory of the Daleks (the weakest one) is still fun to watch.

As for Rory, were none of you listening to what he said after Amy brought the Doctor back? Rory said "I WAS plastic!"

We heard it. It's Pro, man. He... um... 'forgets'...

I do think the ending creates a whole new set of problems, because when Amy woke up, The Doctor had never existed in this timeline, so none of his adventures ever happened.
Which means that either the universe is in for another shake up (a reversal of the unwinding the Doctor went through), or that his adventures only exist in the memories of those close to him.
The fact that River remembered him right from the moment the universe was reborn, is obviously important as well as to the relationship she will have with The Doctor (or maybe she is The Doctor, or something like that).

No, I think it means that the Doctor was brought back into the timeline by Amy and not created by her memories of him as he was wearing an old tux and top hat, waiting for her wedding. If he was just born from her memories, he'd most likely of been dressed as he has for the series instead. It's a bit of the wishy-washy timey-whimeyness as Rory is human again but has Auton Rory memories. It is, quite frankly, the weakest part of the whole story. Yet, it was so entertaining getting to that point that I don't really mind it.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."