Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän

I do think the ending creates a whole new set of problems, because when Amy woke up, The Doctor had never existed in this timeline, so none of his adventures ever happened.

I notice you bitch about how the show doesn't surprise you and then you miss rather obvious stuff. Like how you bitched about no one noticing the statues had one head when the Doctor said it was probably a low level perception filter.
Here you bitch about the cracks "erasing" the Doctor but that's not the case. All evidence has shown that while the cracks erase the memory and trace of a person it's not a rewrite of events. The best proof I can offer is that Amy's parents were erased but she still existed just in a house way too big for her. Also when the clerics were being erased none of the others thought much of the limited numbers. I imagine that like any military there is a set number of soldiers in a unit yet when these guys vanished they weren't replaced with the men who would've been assigned to the unit instead.

Also I think maybe the Doctor due to his unique Time Lord nature only had his Eleventh incarnation erased. That's pure speculation based on his rewinding along his timeline and ending as his current self began. No flashbacks to past incarnations. Also Amy couldn't remember back the other Doctors.

Ray, I am truly sorry.
Truly sorry that you are a retard that is, and truly sorry that I broke you so easily.
Isnt it about time you ran off like a crying child again because someone disagrees with you?
Maybe your carer should monitor your internet usage more.