Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
There has been instances of main characters not looking anything like their comic book counterparts, just as there have been supporting characters or villains that look nothing like them, but its rarely down to that if a film fails or not.

You misunderstood my jump in thought. I wasn't saying this movie was going to suck donkey balls because they didn't cast Amanda Waller with someone who looks like her. I was merely mentioning it, along with the horrible casting and the WB's corporate ignorance, as a symptom of what could possibly be another Jonah Hex (i.e. a flop). Now, realistically do I think it's going to super-bomb? No. It's the first time GL's been given living breath. There are fans that love GL because they think Geoff Johns is a good writer. So, right there the sheep are already accounted for. It will make a decent profit. And I agree with whoever said they are wanting to match Iron Man. However, the difference is...if this movie is anything like I predict...Iron Man took care in finding the balance between respecting the source material, and creating its own identity.

Was the Catwoman film a failure cause they cast a black woman in the role?


Was Daredevil less than successful because the Kingpin was black?


Did Batman 1989 lose any viewers because Harvey Dent was Lando Calrission?


Was X-Men weakened at all because they didnt pick a younger woman to play Jean Grey?
