Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Let's drop the feuding. If I want two Doctor Who nerds arguing, I'll go to any Doctor Who message board in existence. ;\)

but I'm having fun. \:\(
okay though. don't want to make this thread unpleasant. it's the main reason i come here.

As for The Big Bang, much like this entire season, it pays for the viewer to truly pay attention. Unlike the popcorn-fluff of most of the RTD years, Moffat's season reflected his belief that the audience has a brain. I love that.

Agreed. It's been very smart, and very fun. There's a sense of adventure and humor that rtd lacked. Not that his years were unbearable, they were just too melodramatic. I want a happy ending after a big finale. I want there to be continuity with the companions and not the one series/special companions we had (Martha was great and should've been in 4 instead of Donna). I liked that it ended with the married couple riding off with the Doctor to stop an Egyptian Goddess loose on the Orient Express...in space. And that the "Silence will Fall" voice will be explored later and not crammed into the finale.
There was just a sense of respect above all else from the new production team and the actors played their roles as real characters not just feminist icons.

Bow ties are coool.