I, too, heart Donna Noble. She had the very best chemistry with Tennant's manic, narcissistic 'Perfect Ten'. He and Rose were horrible together, bordering on the gushingly silly. He and Martha had zero chemistry, but I loved Freema's hot ass. Donna as a Tegan-ish throwback to the asexual nature of not just The Doctor, but of the companion, worked far better than playing so intimately with the tween-emo craze of heart-throbbing David Tennant all over the screen.{/quote]
you make good points. I think with rose they were too gushy because of the loss at the end of the series. it reminded me of joss whedon's second season of buffy where they were way too cutesy and that was buildup for him going evil and killing her friends. I thought series 2 and rose/tennant worked on that dramatic level.
I agree that donna and tennant did have a good chemistry, but rtd forced us to like her by telling and not showing her as great. it felt forced and the ending seemed dumb (why not use a chameleon arch to lock away the time lord side and "create" a donna personality that was a perfect copy of who she was?). The one off companions in the specials aren't worth mentioning, especially the crying old man who killed the doctor because he got locked in a box.

I really like how Steven Moffat is side-stepping these demographic demands of the Beeb's corporate level. Playing Amy Pond as a real girl, with real hormones, and having her desiring The Doctor on a sexual level, versus a romantic one, gives an obvious-yet-real take on what people would expect from the modern show. Having The Doctor resist these sexual advances, based on his ancient alien-ness of detachment and emotional isolation, is icing on the cake. This combination allows Moffat to check that box off his list of executive demands, while still retaining his public love of the Classic era. Brilliant.

Agreed. One thing I like about Smith is he plays the Doctor as an old man in a young body. His reaction to Amy is how an old man would react to a young girl seducing him. It also showed that the Doctor learned from his mistakes by having Rory along so he could share in her adventure (which wound up strengthening their feelings for each other).

Bow ties are coool.