Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I think this wouldn't work. The people who used a chameleon arc in the series returned to what/who they were after being made to remember.

The key to Donna's survival was that her memories were locked away, and if they create a Donna personality that was a perfect copy of who she was as a companion, wouldn't that negate the chameleon arch? And if they create a Donna personality that was based on who she was before she met the doc, that would be the same as what happened, and as soon as she goes on an adventure or so much as sees the tardis, she'd start to remember and the chameleon arch would stop working and then donna go boom boom

They had to lock away her memories because the time lord brain would fry her frail human body. the chameleon arch can remake a timelord into a human, and also install a false set of memories. The whole point is to hide so completely not even they know what they are. but with donna they only need the first part, to reconfigure her as a full human. they could even leave her human mind with all her memories and she'd be fine as long as she didn't open the watch (which she would know can kill her).

Bow ties are coool.