From Tuesday's show, Beck discusses the debt that threatens to collapse our economy, and the arrogance of our political elite in their contempt for the middle class who are concerned about it:

Part B

Part C

Part D

..and a concluding focus on Robert Byrd, and the amazing chasm between the way Strom Thurmond was covered, as compared to Byrd's passing.
Part E
When Trent Lott simply made a toast and idle comment about Byrd's potential legacy, it rose liberal demand for the end of Lott's career.
When Bill Clinton whitewashed Byrd's entire history as a Klansman and devoted foe of any rights for blacks, not a word of criticism from the liberal media.
Especially hard hitting was the part about New York Times editorials written about Thurmond and Byrd-- written by the same guy, with a complete double standard, one lionized, one demonized, for the identical behavior.