^Oh you!

As for the Eleven Doctors boxset, Davison has the celery and C.Baker has the "Trial of a Time Lord" variant yellow tie, and (no joke) a larger stomach! \:lol\:

As for the rest:

  • Hartnell and Troughton have different colored pants and shirt

    Pertwee green jacket and dark cloak

    Season One Tom Baker, w/grey coat, hat and wide-eyed stare (yep, new head)

    McCoy w/brown coat and "serious" face (I was hoping for a TV Movie variant)


    A brand new mold for Eccleston, his third

    Tennant in brown jacket, blue suit, and glasses

    I cannot tell if Matt Smith is different. I don't think he is.

It's $100 over here! I haven't pre-ordered mine yet. I guess I shouldn't wait to the last minute. Just bite the bullet and order it.