Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY
What are the other Eccleston molds?

The first one was the very first nuWho figure that came out, along with Rose and a Slitheen. Then, there was the second mold which started out as a Comi-Con Exclusive in 2006, but then later released as a single in 2008. This new one gets a little closer to actually looking like him. ;\)

Nice to have a new Tombo head mold!

Yeah, it's the face from the opening credits. Always spooked me as a kid!

The Fifth and sixth Doctors did look different but I couldn't put my finger on it! If they went as far as to make 6 fatter, then they didn't they change his hair also? To the Shirley Temple 'do!

I honestly didn't think to notice. Of course, I could do without that fucked-up hairdo of his from that season. That was the show hitting rock-bottom for me. Poor old Colin.

Very happy that you guys in the US have to pay more for this than we do over here! It's always the other way round!

\:lol\: Damn you! Yeah, when they finally got a legit carrier over here that had them in stock, prices started to climb. I'm sure I could get it for around $75 somewhere. But, I have a dedicated store in California (link: DW Merchandise) that has never failed me. I cannot bring myself to try somewhere else. The only time I did that was when Unearthly Hartnell was coming out, and I pre-ordered him from a site that had him listed first. Then, about a month before he came out, I decided I wanted a second one of the same figure, so I also pre-ordered from my normal site (which had listed him the following weekend). Come release date, my normal carrier shipped the figure right to me. The one I tried beforehand? I emailed them my confirmation order email. They, in turn, just sent me a refund saying they had "lost my order". I immediately erased that bookmark.