Originally Posted By: the G-man
Well, of course. You're Canadian, remember?

But seriously, at least for the WWII set origin movie I think a certain amount of flag waving should be de rigueur. I mean, the guy's practically WEARING a flag, after all.

I thought they were talking about, mainly, his representation in modern times. I wasn't actually thinking about the WWII stuff.

If he's fighting Nazis, I'll be happy. If he's not necessarily jingoistic with his approach, I'll be okay depending on how it's represented. But, Cap has mainly lead with the ideals of America, rather than just overt patriotism.

It's going to depend on how they present it, honestly. I'm not opposed to a modern take on Cap. BUT, the moment I see any extremely obvious neutralization or anti-American slant, I'm done with it. I don't trust the HollyLeftwood any more than you do...