Today's Beck episode was an important one.

Detailing the further deterioration of our freedom, and authoritarian takeover of our financial system and healthcare system, under incompetent appointed-Czar control, rather than the authority of industry experts who could save the system from further waste and inevitable collapse:

Plus you'll enjoy the time he devotes here to Weiner and his attack on Goldline, a major sponsor of Beck's. An attempt to deprive Beck of sponsor support:
Part C

And about 6 minutes in, a great perspective of the USDA lady's firiong by Obama and the Agriculture Department, and how the timeline she, the liberal media, and the Obama administration offer doesn't make any sense, because she was already fired before FOX News first reported it.
And how this appears to be an orchestrated smear of FOX News and Breitbart, by providing them with a fragment of the full story.

Continued here:
Part D

The most significant part of the broadcast was the opening segment, though, about bureaucratic and authoritarian new legislation, handled by inefficient bureaucrats unfamiliar with the industries they will regulate, who will inevitably cause more failure, job loss, and federal debt (which gels perfectly with the ideology Alinsky, and of Cloward and Piven strategy, that Obama and his inner circle are deeply indoctrinated in) :
Part A

Part B