Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I just marathoned the shit out of the newWho's 4th season, and damn I love Donna. I even like her more than Amy Pond (except when we're talking about wanking material)

Of the female companions she's been set up as the most useless (at least, that was what she believed). But I think she's the one who's been most useful to tenth. Of course, in a fight or anything that requires athletic ability, Rose and Martha may be more useful, and academically speaking, martha is hands down the most intelligent (she's a damn doctor!). But the doctor can already handle those two parts. There's nothing Martha and Rose would have done or thought of that the doctor couldn't have by himself.

Donna, on the other hand, catches things that the doctor misses. She's not bookish, but she's smart. And she's able to convince tenth to do things that he wasn't planning on doing. The other two companions were treated as assistants/pets, Donna was treated as an equal.

Also, I think the roles were reversed for her. whereas Rose and Martha were always trying to get the doctor's approval, tenth was actually trying to please Donna most of the time.

Pretty damn spot on, SoM! Couldn't agree more! Loved me some Donna Noble.

Here's my ranking of the modern era Who seasons...

Season 1

(Number Nine is still Number One, as far as seasons go. This would be the one I always show to my non-fan friends, first.)

Season 5

(Here comes the Eleventh Doctor!! WOOOOO! )

Season 4

(Tennant's only rock-solid season, with The Doctor's Daughter being the greatest insult to mankind. It was Catherine Tate that really stepped up the talent in this series, Donna being the pitch-perfect companion for an egotist like 'Perfect Ten'. Her ever-present command of the screen really tempered Tennant into a Doctor I could sit back and enjoy, rather than the exhausting over-acting he would normally force. Could have only been better if Tennant and RTD and the Beeb would have had the balls to bow Ten out when he regenerated during the Meta-Crisis nonsense.)

Season 3

(Love me some hot Freema, even if the acting lacks a little. However, all considered, this is the season that gave us Blink, Human Nature/Family of Blood, and Utopia. Unfortunately, it also gave us Jesus-Doctor.)

Season 4.5

(I think Planet of the Dead, much like Voyage of the Damned, is some of the worst "Committee Television" I've ever seen. Meaning, it was created around a famous guest-star, and served no sincerely entertaining or engaging purpose other than to look pretty. Awful, awful. Other than that, WoM, EoT...while both a bit overdramatic, they signaled a quite appropriately epic finale for the most commonly popular Doctor since Tom Baker. And if nothing else, The Next Doctor just brings it all home in a bundle of nostalgia and holiday.)

Season 2

( No wonder Chris left... )

Just starting the modern era...Eccleston is fucking awesome!