Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Smith can pull off the badass bit, and I actually prefer his style more than Tennant's since I find Tennant's acting to be a bit too loud.

I just think the stonehenge bit didn't have the same badass aura because it's been set up a few scenes back that the doctor thinks they have no chance against all the warships. We (the viewers) know that he's just bluffing.

Compared to his line at the library, or his warning for the Atraxis - he was threatening them.

Ah, but see that's what I mean about Number Ten. They wrote him, and Tennant acted, so obvious in his "threatening manners". The Doctor has always been threatening, in their own ways. And, I guess we were due for a Doctor that was so overtly full of himself as to place himself on a pedestal like that. And it fits, because Number Ten was the egomaniac, especially given how he acted in his final hours and words. But, unfortunately, David Tennant never sold it for me. Never once did I ever feel he was threatening in any real sense, up until his quiet delivery "Tough" at the end of Waters of Mars. He just came off "shouty" otherwise.

Eccleston and Smith, however, are imbued with a naturally threatening aura. Eccleston is the dark and regret and violence. Smith is all that barely tempered into the shell of a 'young fogey'. I believe them both, because I think they are both superior actors in that sense.