Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I just saw Water of Mars for the first time (the supposedly complete torrent I downloaded before didn't have the specials except for the End of time), and holy shit, the ending was awesome.

Yeah but it never went anywhere. That was my problem with the Specials, they each had an interesting idea that was abandoned and forgotten. The Next Doctor seemed like they actually had the crazy 11th Doctor coming back to alter 10th's regeneration. Instead it was a guy with a balloon crying over his dead wife.
Waters of Mars was so so and heavily rehashed from older episodes until the end. It seemed like they were really going to address the idea of him being a "Time Lord" and making the rules, then she shot herself and it seemed like the perfect way to tie into his regeneration, but they didn't. They could have said that his altering of a fixed point opened the door for Galifrey to do everything they did in End of Time.
But they didn't. The Specials were such crap. Like extended versions of regular episodes that would be written off as filler in any other series.

Bow ties are coool.