Beck's Monday episode had a lot of good information:

Part B

It again underscores that Obama's administration is not only inspired by 1960s terrorist radicals such as William Ayers, Jeff Jones, Wade Rathke and others, but is working closely with many of these unrepentant revolutionaries, who continue to espouse marxism and the infiltration and collapse of America from within.

It also exposes that while an overwhelming majority of Arizona citizens support border enforcement, ACORN, SEIU and other socialist unions continue to import fake "astroturf" protestors in to oppose the Arizona border enforcement law.

Especially good is his quoting Pelosi and her tearful expression a few months ago of how frightening this awful rhetoric was that reminded her of the worst rioting and violence of the late 1960s. And yet she has no problem, none, with the fact that Obama is employing the very radicals that she expressed fear of.