Uncut script reveals classic Doctor Who villain who ALMOST returned
Doctor Who's return in 2005 meant more than just a comeback for the Time Lord—a ton of classic villains have returned as well, such as Daleks, Cybermen and, most recently, the Silurians. But one old villain who was intended to return ... DIDN'T. And an unexpurgated draft of a recent script reveals exactly which villain got derailed.

In an interview given to Doctor Who Magazine, Gareth Roberts explained that in earlier drafts of his episode "The Lodger" there "was a different villain at its center." The villain in question was to be Meglos, a sentient, shape-changing (wait for it) cactus, who appeared in a Doctor Who story starring the fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, back in the 1980s.

The four-part story, simply titled "Meglos," was apparently not one of the more fondly remembered Doctor Who episodes.

"I'd been joking about 'Meglos 2' for years," Roberts said, "but when I sat down to write the first draft [of 'The Lodger'] it suddenly seemed right."

The writer also revealed that: "Meglos survived in my script for quite a long while—but then we saw the Vinvocci in 'The End of Time,' and as the rest of the story was more comedic, we decided the 'villain' had to be as scary as possible."

Check out part of an earlier script draft written by Roberts from back when it still included Meglos:

Can it be . . . the Doctor?
Do I know you?

I am Meglos!

Sorry, have we met?

Meglos! Last of the Zolfa Thurans!

(no idea) Really sorry. I meet a lot of people.

Remember Tigella, Doctor! The Gaztaks!

The what? Remind me ...

With rumors of other past characters possibly coming back for series 6—like the Yeti or even Omega—the trend of bringing back classic characters to Doctor Who certainly won't fade any time soon. And in a way, that's how we like it, no?

Pick up Doctor Who Magazine #423 to read more of Roberts' interview.

Bow ties are coool.