Monday's episode:
Part A

Beck quotes an auditor who normally just signs off on Congressional Budget Office numbers. But who in this case was deeply critical of the Obama Health Care plan, that the numbers are irresponsibly way off, and unsustainable.

Beck also comments on Obama's autobiography, Dreams From My Father and that the dreams of both obama's father and grandfather were destroying western colonialism with soviet-style marxism. And compares the evidence that Barack Obama's apple didn't fall very far from the tree of his two predecessors.
And that Barack Obama's apple is deeply indocrinated in William Ayers, Saul Alinsky, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Cloward and Piven strategy, to collapse the system with unsustainable debt, to enact a redistribution of wealth amid the cover provided by the chaos and crisis:

Part B

Part C

And how William Ayers is retiring as a university professor this month, even as he receives a generous pension from the nation he hates, that he will likely use to continue his un-American political activism. Even as his pension contributes to collapsing the system with unsustainable entitlements and debt. From which beck segues into the fact that 46 of the 50 states have unsustainable unfunded debt and entitlements.

Part D

And concludes with some funny but very true points about how Obama calls for sacrifice, and then how he and his wife live like kings and queens at the taxpayers' expense, with trillions in deficit spending that --contrary to the cloak of "helping average Americans" that it is legislated under-- actually serves as a slush fund for endless bailouts and Democrat re-election funds (against the will of an American public that opposes these policies but are forced through taxes to pay for their lobbying and payoffs to unions and other Democrat allies).