Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I just finished watching the McGann movie. I liked it, even though it had a very different feel from the TV series, production-wise and story-wise. It felt like it had a bigger budget than the 1st season, but the story doesn't give that "epic" feel. It's like, with the TV eps, you get the feeling that if the doctor failed, the whole of reality will be raped in the ass. With the movie you didn't get that feeling, you don't even get the feeling that the doctor could lose. It's just a popcorn movie.

It's funny with Who. The show is a perfect example of sci-fi in whatever era it airs in. The 1996 film reminds me of Sliders and all the other mid-90's sci-fi programs shot up there in Vancouver. It was actually the first Who I saw and left little impression on me. I liked the notion of regeneration and the Tardis but it wasn't enough to make me actually check out the many books in the bookstore despite my spending a lot of time browsing the sci-fi section.
Watching it now I hate the whole "half human" bit, it was unecessary and I liked the comic retcon that it was a ruse using a half broken chameleon arch.
But overall it's watchable, like you said a popcorn movie, and I appreciate the fact we have a 7 to 8 regeneration. That is the one unforgivable part of rtd's run. He never gave us the time war, never showed us mcgann (who is still young enough) regenerating which was heavily rumored to be the focus of one of the specials.

I didn't hate the 8th doctor, but didn't like him either. He was too bland. But I don't know, maybe it's because one movie is not enough to give him character.

I agree. There was a nice childlike wonder to him but no solid impression. The companion was hot.

Bow ties are coool.