Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The Foley scandal was hardly an October surprise. The Republican leadership knew about it so the only surprise may have been when the page he was bothering went public.

It was an October Surprise, because it was a story the media sat on for a year, and pounded nationally about 3 or 4 weeks before the election, alleging things that were untrue about Republicans as a whole, and as I demonstrated in the topic back at the time with examples of Gerry Studds (who actually did have gay sex with a teenage page), Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and other Democrats involved in sex scandals, and the Democrat party leadership who knew about these incidents, who were not held to the same standard or given the same level of media coverage or smear of the entire party.

Similarly, the Dan Rather story of the faked National Guard commander's letter (which again, was only revealed because of evidence presented by journalists OUTSIDE the mainstream liberal media, which ultimately got Dan Rather fired from CBS) was likewise calculatedly released about 3 weeks before the election.

I fully expect the Democrats and their media co-conspirators to attempt something just before election day this year as well.