Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

I never announced my name. I made the mistake of sharing a link to a geocities page I had for my writing and at the bottom it said "All stories written by Ray Adler" for legal reasons since I had submitted those stories to contests and didn't want an internet search to turn them up and be accused of plagarism. You then announced my name ....

A search for the word "Adler" in all forums going back the maximum nine years reveals the following, posted in a thread entitled "who the fizzuck are you?!?!" is the first use of the name "Ray Adler" on this board:

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man #241877 - 08/05/03 10:10 AM

Name: Ray Adler
Age: 21
Job: Alarm Dispatcher, but looking for something else.
Marital status: single
Sports: no sports, but I like to go running to keep fit.
Tv Shows (that are still on): Angel, Alias, Smallville, Scrubs.

The same search reveals the first use of your real name by me was approximately two years later:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man #587597 - 10/21/05 02:07 PM
I hate to pull a "Ray Adler," but a google search ...

Feel free to apologize in a PM. No need to do so publicly. You've obviously been under a great deal of strain.